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发布时间:2021-06-24 丨 阅读:1190

Updated Urgent notice: Protocol for arrivals in Greece



    According to the updated rules applying to all international flights to Greece in the period between June 19 to 26, 2021:



    Citizens of third (non-EU) countries will not be allowed entry to Greece as of Saturday, June 19 through 06:00 on Saturday, June 26.



    Permanent residents of the European Union and the Schengen area as well as citizens of 21 countries, amongst which China, are exempted from this rule.



    From June 19, all passengers arriving in Greece on international flights are required to fill in a Passenger Locator Form at the website https://travel.gov.gr, declaring contact information in the country prior to their arrival in Greece. A valid Passenger Locator Form along with a QR code is considered a necessary precondition so as entry to Greece is allowed.



    All passengers on international flights must meet one of the following conditions:



      (i) to have completed the vaccination for coronavirus COVID-19 at least fourteen (14) days before arrival and to present a vaccination certificate, in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, or Russian, issued by a public authority in accordance with the relevant legislation. The vaccination certificate includes the name of the holder as stated in the passport, the type of vaccine given, the number of doses and the vaccination dates.



     (ii) to present a negative molecular test (PCR) for COVID-19, performed up to 72 hours before the scheduled arrival time in Greece, or a negative rapid test for COVID-19, performed up to 48 hours before the scheduled arrival time in Greece, and to present a certificate of the abovementioned negative tests, in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, or Russian. The certificate includes the name of the holder as stated in the passport.



     (iii) alternatively, to present a certificate of recovery from past COVID-19 infection or a positive molecular test (PCR) or rapid test for COVID-19, valid for 2 up to 9 months from the date of past infection, issued by a public authority in accordance with the relevant legislation, by certified laboratories in the country of origin or transit or by public or private laboratories of that country that have been certified by the relevant national Authority. The certificate is in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, or Russian.



    The abovementioned conditions are also valid for children over the age of twelve (12) years.



   All passengers on international incoming flights to Greece are subject to random COVID-19 testing, and remain at a designated place in the airport until the announcement of the result. In case of positive result, passengers are subject to home or centralized quarantine, lasting ten (10) days. Passengers who have completed the vaccination for coronavirus COVID-19 at least fourteen (14) days before arrival and have a positive test result for COVID-19, are subject to temporary quarantine, lasting seven (7) days.



    It should be stressed that Schengen VISA issued by the Consulate General of Greece in Shanghai is valid for entry EXCLUSIVELY to Greece, NOT to other Schengen area EU Member-States. Transiting to Greece via a Schengen area EU Member-State is to be avoided until further notice.



    Chinese nationals intending to visit Greece are strongly advised to use a direct flight. In case of entry via third (non-EU) country, it is the sole responsibility of Chinese nationals to ensure that they will be allowed to enter the said third (non-EU) country.



    For further information as well as for visa appointment, please contact grgencon.shaads@mfa.gr.

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